Listening to your body helps you to know when to rest, and when you might need to make changes …be it lifestyle, food or timings. It sounds easy but requires a lot of practice n a lot of time! It can also change your mood!

Though late in life, I’ve discovered that Meditation and yoga are two practices that do help with self-care.

After years of self-neglect n ignoring matters of health, at 69, I hve now realised that “how I feel is way more important than how I look! So, yes, I do listen, a lot, I believe it’s therapeutic, wish I’d started earlier.

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YES IT IS!!! That's such an empowering realization! And to be honest, I don't think anyone is ever 'too late'. I know we all feel that way, but when it comes, it comes clearly and strongly and it's always the right time!

You, like everyone else, started at the time that was most appropriate for you, and that is truly glorious!

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